// $Id: dhtml_menu.js,v 2009/01/12 10:13:30 arancaytar Exp $
* @file dhtml_menu.js
* The Javascript code for DHTML Menu
Drupal.dhtmlMenu = {};
* Initialize the module's JS functions
Drupal.behaviors.dhtmlMenu = function() {
// Do not run this function more than once.
if (Drupal.dhtmlMenu.init) {
else {
Drupal.dhtmlMenu.init = true;
// Get the settings.
var effects = Drupal.settings.dhtmlMenu;
// Get cookie
if (!effects.siblings) {
var cookie = Drupal.dhtmlMenu.cookieGet();
for (var i in cookie) {
// If the cookie was not applied to the HTML code yet, do so now.
var li = $('#dhtml_menu-' + cookie[i]).parents('li:first');
if ($(li).hasClass('collapsed')) {
/* Add jQuery effects and listeners to all menu items.
* The ~ (sibling) selector is unidirectional and selects
* only the latter element, so we must use siblings() to get
* back to the link element.
$('ul.menu li.dhtml-menu:not(.leaf,.no-dhtml)').each(function() {
var li = this;
if (effects.clone) {
var ul = $(li).find('ul:first');
if (ul.length) {
if (effects.doubleclick) {
$(li).find('a:first').dblclick(function(e) {
window.location = this.href;
$(li).find('a:first').click(function(e) {
return false;
* Toggles the menu's state between open and closed.
* @param li
* Object. The element that will be expanded or collapsed.
Drupal.dhtmlMenu.toggleMenu = function(li) {
var effects = Drupal.settings.dhtmlMenu;
// If the menu is expanded, collapse it.
if($(li).hasClass('expanded')) {
if (effects.slide) {
$(li).find('ul:first').animate({height: 'hide', opacity: 'hide'}, '1000');
else $(li).find('ul:first').css('display', 'none');
// If children are closed automatically, find and close them now.
if (effects.children) {
if (effects.slide) {
$(li).find('li.expanded').find('ul:first').animate({height: 'hide', opacity: 'hide'}, '1000');
else $(li).find('li.expanded').find('ul:first').css('display', 'none');
// Otherwise, expand it.
else {
if (effects.slide) {
$(li).find('ul:first').animate({height: 'show', opacity: 'show'}, '1000');
else $(li).find('ul:first').css('display', 'block');
// If the siblings effect is on, close all sibling menus.
if (effects.siblings) {
var id = $(li).find('a:first').attr('id');
// Siblings are all open menus that are neither parents nor children of this menu.
// If the relativity option is on, select only the siblings that have the same parent
if (effects.relativity) {
var siblings = $(li).parent().find('li.expanded').not('.own-children-temp').not(':has(#' + id + ')');
// Otherwise, select all menus of the same level
else {
var siblings = $('ul.menu li.expanded').not('.own-children-temp').not(':has(#' + id + ')');
// If children should not get closed automatically...
if (!effects.children) {
// Remove items that are currently hidden from view (do not close these).
$('li.collapsed li.expanded').addClass('sibling-children-temp');
// Only close the top-most open sibling, not its children.
siblings = $(siblings).not('.sibling-children-temp');
$('.own-children-temp, .sibling-children-temp').removeClass('own-children-temp').removeClass('sibling-children-temp');
if (effects.slide) {
$(siblings).find('ul:first').animate({height: 'hide', opacity: 'hide'}, '1000');
else $(siblings).find('ul:first').css('display', 'none');
// Save the current state of the menus in the cookie.
* Reads the dhtml_menu cookie.
Drupal.dhtmlMenu.cookieGet = function() {
var c = /dhtml_menu=(.*?)(;|$)/.exec(document.cookie);
if (c) {
return c[1];
else return '';
* Saves the dhtml_menu cooki.
Drupal.dhtmlMenu.cookieSet = function() {
var expanded = new Array();
$('li.expanded').each(function() {
document.cookie = 'dhtml_menu=' + expanded.join(',') + ';path=..\\..\\..\\..\\index.html';